( I apologize for having my old watermark and the random photos;))
As I sit here trying to sort through my thoughts as to what I want to blog about, the only thing that keeps coming to the forefront of my mind is how aware I am of God's faithfulness and love towards me in the past few months.
My life, in the past six months, has been full of changes.
Starting with a photography internship in Nashville, starting my own business, indefinitely stopping college, to possibly starting cosmetology school. It's been one crazy season!
But I love it.
All of these circumstances have forced me to be completely and utterly dependent on the Father.
What an amazing place to be!
God has lead me on quite a different path then the rest of my friends and family.
I used to think, " What's wrong with me? Why am I so different? Am I just weird?"
But then I heard that Voice -
"Because I made you that way. Because I want you to depend on me in this way.Because I want you to know and love me more through my plans for you."

I have been SO truly blessed during this season.
God has taken care of specific needs and desires during this time.
One of them being a new computer from my VERY generous family.

I am learning many things about the Lord and myself, during this season, that, if I had gone to college, I probably would not have learned until much later. For that I am most grateful:)

Now, can you do me a favor?
I have an important decision about whether or not to attend cosmetology school, come this January, and I would love prayer for clarity about what the Lord's will would be.
Thank You!

Rather random photos, right?
But I still love 'em.
The one below, I had been practicing with the flash and this was one of the results. . .

What do you think?
Have a fabulous and blessed day!