"But tomorrow if a golden
train came to take you
Would you go or would you stay. . . "
Justin Nozuka ~ Golden Train

Soooooo, I know this is a couple months late BUUUUUUUT let's do it anyway, eh?
Awhile back, my sis Amy, my mom, my aunt and uncle and I went to Gettysburg for the day.
It was absolutely gorgeous.
The cloudy skies in contrast to the brilliant colors of fall was stunning.

We saw so many memorials!
It is Gettysburg, after all :p
Anyways, I love history.
It was my favorite subject in High School.
I love learning about things that people did in past centuries.
I love learning about what they learned then.
I love learning about the different styles(hey, I'm a girl ain't I?)
I love learning about different customs they had and comparing them to how they are now. . .

I like to learn about what was important to them. . . how they lived their lives. . .
It all amazes me. . . intrigues me. . .it's astonishing how God made history so perfectly. Not surprising but amazing non the less:)
Thank you for tuning in to Fun Facts of Megan.

Amy and I:)

Some of my family and I headed out to the park one day and I was able to get a couple shots of my BEAUTIFUL niece:)
But first, apparently I'm the nerd in the corner who likes puzzles. . .
because this is what I did while the kids were going down the slides. . .

Special, uh?
Moving on. . . my niece, Keara:)

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hey that's my hand. and wait those are my boots! shoe stealer...good job meg!
me, you and the rock: :)
ummm and keara is beautiful....can i looklike her when i grow up????
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