On my friend's last day of finals, we headed over to Annapolis harbor for some fun:)

It was a gorgeous day. Very, very cold but gorgeous none the less:)
Sorry Anth! But I had to!
Can you say "Titanic"?
I know I can. . .

Starbucks is amazing.

The next few shots are a bit repetitive but I don't really care and because it's my blog, I get to do what I want:-D Ahh, the beauty of it all. . .

Pahahaha. ok. yeah. Let me try to figure out what is going on in everyones heads. . .
Anthony - ". . . . . " yeah. . . . I'm not sure I want to figure this one out
Colleen - " It's sooooo cold!!!"
Jared - "don't look at me"
Ingrid - "What is anthony doing?"
Liesel - "Look! She has a camera! Everyone smile!"
Hahahahahaha! I'm pretty sure this isn't as funny to anyone else as it is to me but it's all good:)

We had fun:)

A few days ago, my family and I went to see the Annapolis harbor boat show, which is always fun to see the different themes people come up with.
This train boat(ok, that's confusing) goes out to my nephew JJ!

9 Days Till Christmas!
Merry Christmas Everyone!
haha...trainboat. pics are looking good meg! I love the one of the water.
wow, the lighting really was amazing there....awesome
Thanks guys:)
You now, I so wanna give shoots away to the people who comment the most on my blog. . . that could be fun. . . hmmmm. . . . I may have to try this. . . what do you all think?I could pick a time frame of say, two weeks or something and at the end, pick whoever commented the most. . . . .
hahahahahaha, i'm getting a kick out of commenting on my own post. . .
I have no idea why. . .
it's just fun:-D
LOL so meg i think you would win your own shoot ;-)how you work that one should be interesting to see
haha these are great...wow those ones of <> our friends are hilarious. you all look a little cold...lol
Colleen - I think you're right....well,at least I'll have fun!
Anna - it was freezing!
hahaha....and it doesn't look like any of you dressed for the weather. by the water. you guys are so funny.
i think i was the only one who had on a real coat....oh!and Ingrid:)
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