Something that I've been thinking about lately is what to blog about when your not busy blogging and editing your clients photos. Especially during those "off " months when you can't go outside, unless you want to freeze your butt off(like today, when there is at least a foot and a half of snow on the ground!:))
Why not use my blog to encourage someone?
I know some of you don't personally know these girls and I am sorry but these are a few of my favorite people ever:)
They have no idea I'm going to do this and they'll probably kill me but I don't really care. . .
My sisters are some of the most Christ-centered and joyful people you will ever meet.
You will sense and know the love they have for you and the Lord from the first moment you talk to them. They are true servants of God as they seek to run and follow hard after Christ.
Daily, they pursue laying down their lives for Christ.
To serve Him.
. . . Because they love Him. . .
. . . Because He first loved them.
Kristen, Amy and Lauren - Thank you for the way you live out your lives for our Father.
Thank you for selflessly and faithfully giving of yourselves to serve the church. Thank you for how you love and care for "your girls." Thank you for your example of obedience to the Lord in the paths that He wanted you to take. Ultimately, thank you for your love for the Lord. Thank you for the way you love me. Thank you for being my best friends.
Love you,
p.s. why do you have to be so darn beautiful!

Thanks Meg!! I think you're pretty amazing to..:)
Aw, this is so sweet. For the record, I love watching you girls relate to one another. Your strong bond as sisters combined with your shared aim to glorify the Lord is so inspiring to watch! :)
thanks meggie :) so perfectly times too...and hey YOU are pretty and amazing you're pretty amazing! lol
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