
Thanksgiving Giveaway!

In light of Thanksgiving being tomorrow, I wanted to hold another free shoot giveaway!
Here's the catch. . .
You must comment on this post and tell me what you are thankful for and on Friday, November 27th, I will randomly choose a winner!
Happy Thanksgiving!


KZ said...

I am thankful for so much!right now I am thankful for my beautiful children and my wonderful husband that is so caring and supportive!

Ash said...

I am thankful for my family, for being able to be in school and pursue my dreams of acting!!

Margaret Black said...

This is very generous of you, Meg! I am most thankful for the basics, w/o which the additional things wouldn't matter. My savior, who has saved me from Hell in Eternity and from myself here on Earth; my family, church, friends, home, job, health. I'm grateful the Redskins season is more than 1/2 over now, too. Pegi Black

Anonymous said...

I am thankful for:

spotting a full moon from my window...

eating a spoonful of marshmellow fluff..

seeing a bit of sun peeking through the rain clouds...

fun but relaxing nights at the Bucca's..

walking with a friend at Lake Artemesia helping them through a painful time...

holding warm, fluffy bunnies while watching movies with Esther...

hot coffee in the morning with Dad..

laughing my heart out with Smith's and eating a "cow pie" with Brianna...

late nights with Melissa and Ashley talking, laughing, and bustin heads..

running around Boston with good frinds...

not having a job this summer, but understanding GOD's provision in a deeper way..

a cheerful "Good-night!" from Mom at the end of a long day...

worshiping with an awesome church on Sundays..

GOD's grace that follows me wherever I go and whatever I do...

and living, breathing, and taking all these things in.

Mrs. Troyer said...

I'm thankful for all of the little things in life. My dad's nose "honking" when he blows it. (also the dr. appointments that he's been able to go to.) For the Christmas tree my mom and I always put up before thanksgiving. (and for the way she always makes the desserts that I DON'T like for family gatherings.) For telephone calls when they are least expected by they boy. (and how annoying his whiskers are when he doesn't shave.) For my brothers and their girls. (and that they make me the 7th wheel in my family until I get hitched.) God my Lord and Savior who sent His Son to die and rise again and the Holy Spirit He sent to dwell in us. (and for the stars, clouds, and moon that I get distracted with when I'm driving [oh and that I don't die when distracted while driving.].) And really this list could go on and on and be more and more ridiculous, but there's no need, you get the picture of who I am and what I'm thankful for. Even the hard things and trials, because the Lord uses them to shape me into being more like Him!!!
Oh, and for amazing photographers like yourself who capture His beautiful creation who were "made in His image" in one of the best ways possible! ;)

Colleen Etherton said...

I'm thankful for my whole family =) corny? yes but so so true. But this year especially for the newest little bundle my nephew Everett, for all the time i've gotten to spend with his sister Rebekah this week, for the joy and freedom of my single years. And that this week has shown me that we are called to each season as we come to it, in God's time, not when we wish we were. And that i'm ok with that. I'm grateful for my mom being the kind of mom who had us move to take care of her mom, and that she does it with such love for her mom, regardless of the number of times she has had to miss stuff. Like today, she's waiting to go see Everett until she has helped my grandmother go to bed. thanks for your example mom =). AND for all of these things i am grateful TO God. He has covered all my needs, all of these things are blessings. They go above and beyond anything that i could ask for. Thanks meg for the opportuinty to share this =) and for making me take a moment to reflect =)

Brianna said...

~I'm thankful for God's grace-He is SO patient with me and my foolishness!
~I'm thankful for my amazing parents who love God with all their hearts.
~I'm thankful for all of the awesome people I've gotten to know over the past 6 months, both at school and church.
~I'm thankful for the awesome Thanksgiving dinner I just finished eating!
~I'm thankful for music. :-)
~I'm thankful for salvation and for God's mercy.

Juan Cruz said...

In no specific order, I would say that im thankful for my parents because i live with them and God teaches me things about myself through them.
Thankful for my friends who love Jesus, because they insprire me to do the same.
Thankful for my friends who don't love Jesus, because they keep me humble.
Thankful for God's word, cuz in there I get to know Jesus.
Thankful for music.. enough said :)
Thankful for people, i just love people.
Thankful for nature, cuz in it I can see God's hand and work.
Thankful for my health, I definitely thankful for this since I barely get sick and have many friends who do, this has made me appreciate this blessing.
Thankful for the Spirit, cuz it teaches me how to pray, brings conviction, and gives me new eys.
Thankful for Apple, for this world would be a little less cool if it wasn't for Apple.
Thankful for money, I can buy stuff that I like, and I get to give it to the church.
Thankful for my church, because without it I would be nowhere.
Thankful for this giveaway, only if I end up getting it.
Thank you Megan for doing this. Happy Thanksgiving!