The Annapolis harbor area is one of my favorite places to go and hang out, enjoy the views, and explore.
One of my friends, Anthony, now attends the college in downtown Annapolis so we have many more opportunities to go down there:)
While some of my friends and I were there visiting him recently, we walked ALL over and took a few fun and random photos.

We really did walk all over the place . . . up this street, down that one, through this alley. It was so much fun tho:)

A very random and very short "shoot" . . .

My buddy Anthony.

Group shot!

Random wall that made me happy:-)

I LOVE this one! Although Colleen (the one on the right) looks like she's about to kill me...

Hope you enjoyed the short random post!
is that the "unfortunately for my soul" wall?
and the one of jonny is awesome, he wore just the right colors
Awesome! Glad you got some good shots from this, feel free to come by anytime, Annapolis has plenty more photogenic alleys...love the last pic by the way, for some reason the "necessary luxuries" sign makes me laugh.
Liesel - yep, that's the wall:) makes me laugh everytime. . .
Anthony - i plan to:)and that one makes me laugh as well.
ROFL i do look mad...but remember i had told you shoe pictures only that day...lol
I do not remember said comment. . . ;)
haha, you all crowding around the "we're indie bound" sign is hilarious
I know! I had not seen that until after I had taken the photo. It made me laugh pretty hard.
I love these! Miss you so much! Wishing I could come visit...
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