Liesel and I have gone through many years of
giggling together...
crying together...
struggling together...
praying together...
and laughing sooo hard no noise comes out while having tears rush down our faces...

This last photo is my "artistic" photo...impressive, right??
I'm almost done with the portrait part of the up is the fun shoot we did with all the girls on the beach!
i really like the sixth one.
and of course the one with the face cut off =)
The third to last is probably my favorite. I really like the stark white backgrounds.
On second thought, maybe those are blue... Curse color blindness.
hahahaha!no, your right, it's white.
Darling, Sweet, Magnificent Megan Janelle: I am absolutely BLOWN AWAY by yes, your photographic skills, but also by your writing talent and most especially by the fact that you have and do magnify God with each and every picture you take, each and every series you post, each and every word you type andtur n into a story or caption. Your professionalism and creativity are unmatched in one so young in her life and chosen path! God's glory is reflected from your camera into the eyes of your subjects and straight up to Him.
I am struck by the evidence that God is showing that it certainly looks like this is your life's vocation. This is where he knows you need to be. Your artistic products are the gifts of the Spirit in action. Your talent is tremendous, and you have chosen to use it not only to the Glory of He who gave it to you, but to humbly and eagerly serve EVERYONE you come into contact with.
I am awed by your work and by God's grace in your life! I can't stop looking at the photos you've posted and feeling so completely blessed by your gifts. I feel so proud and privileged to be able to watch your new season bud and flower.
Thank you for letting me be a part of your journey this side of heaven. Thank you for encouraging and blessing me and others with your gifting.
I love you. Hmmm, I thought I was rendered speechless by the sheer joy of reading the blog and seeing you pics. Although, 'you lucky dawg you," apparently nothing really renders me speechless!
P.S. I am babysitting an adorable basset hound puppy who has a crystal blue eye and a light brown eye and a personality that I think would show up big time on film (she looked pretty good on my crappy little cell phone camera any way, so just imagine what someone with great talent and a decent camera could come up with!). Wanna think about coming over to photo her? We could do it out back by the pool or in some tall grass or something... let me know what you think!
And oh yea, next time I see you--HUGE HUGS FOR YOU! :)
Jenna- thank you for making me cry;)but seriously, thank you for the vERy encouraging words!
...and photographing that puppy sounds pretty fun!
megan, thanks for this wonderful post showing the beauty, inside and out of our dear friend. as said above, great job using your talents to point us back to God. you have done so excelently in your descriptions of the hearts of liesel and your sisters. Well done
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