The Taracena family is full of love. It's precious to watch.
The way Marlon and Evy speak to each other with gentle words and their loving touches, fills me with an anticipation and joy for when I (hopefully) get married someday. . .
Marlon and Evy's love for their two sons, Marcus and Jaiden, is all to evident in how they care for them. . . how they hold them. . . and how they speak to them ( in multiple languages, I might add).

This little guy is Jaiden and I have to warn you, if you take a look at those eyes, you WILL get distracted and drown in them. Just sayin'.
The brothers! Marcus and Jaiden:)

You may see quite a few photos of these cuties through out the post.
But first, Jaiden is the happiest baby.period.
He is constantly smiling and chuckling to himself.
He will smile at anything.
You could simply look at him and he will start to smile like your the greatest person on the earth.

I couldn't resist.

Marcus. :-)
Every time I see Marcus, I want to give him a hug for how cute he is.He'll just come up to you and start telling you about something in gibberish.

. . . Marlon and his boys. . .

And then I got to photograph just Evy and Marlon.This was one of my favorite parts of the shoot. It felt just like an engagement shoot. Marlon and Evy are so in love. I had a blast having them do "couple" photos:)
Sheesh. Look at those eyes.

Hey, I couldn't help myself.

. . . . .One last one of the cuteness. . . .

oh my gosh good! you are getting so amazing with each post!
So cute! I love the one with just the rings!
I think these are my favorite pictures that you've taken so far. Not totally sure, because there's a couple others that I LOVE, but these are deff in the running!
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