(Just to warn you, this post may be rather long due to the following "occurrences")
I had the very special opportunity of photographing one of my friends, Allison, whom I have known for as long as I can remember:)
I actually know Allison through my church and now we are both in the young adults ministry :)
Anyway, where shall I begin?
I'm thinking at the beginning, just because I think it's a very good place to start ;-)
We scheduled the session for right after church. So, I rode with Ally and my awesomest bff (a.k.a. "the closet") back to my house to grab something to eat(the location was only a couple minutes away) but to my annoyance, I realized I forgot my key. . .
You know the one that unlocks the door. . .
That lets you into the house. . .
Yeah, definitely didn't have it with me because I didn't drive to church that day.
. . . Way to think ahead Megan. . .
and did I mention that all 7 other family members were gone?
Like seriously, what are the odds??
Luckily, the VERY kind Dempsey family let us crash their house , even though they weren't even at home!
Once we were done, we headed out to the location. While walking to the exact spot, I had turned around to hear what Liesel was saying but little did I know that what I thought was a patch of grass was actually 5 inches of mud. Once I realized what was going on, I squealed like a little girl and hopped right out.
I then assessed the damage to my NEW fur boots.
. . . . . . . Let's move on, shall we. . . . . . .
I get my camera out to start shooting and it doesn't turn on.
I do it again.
I check the battery.
I turn it on and off ten more times, just to make sure I'm not losing my mind.
Nope. Nada.
I call my tech savvy uncle for help and do what he says.
Still doesn't work.
So we head back to my house to switch cameras and luckily someone was home this time:)
:Take Two: (it's more like take five but who's counting;))
This is the good part of the story.
We ACTUALLY start taking the photos!!
No interruptions.
Beautiful subject.
Perfect weather.
It went beautifully :-)
Here's the proof. . . . .
Allison - Thank you SO much for your patience! You were an absolute joy to photograph!
(The photo below is one of my faves:))
Model much??

She seriously looks like she stepped out of Urban Outfitters or something. . .
Hope you enjoyed the post!
Please leave a comment! I would love to know what you think!!
Awesome, you really used the surroundings well. I love the dress+asphalt concept.
heya...pretty stinking cool meg!
haha, i love the last one! it's just so ally! These are lovely...despite all the crazy happenings beforehand!
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