
Portrait - Lauren

So remember when I said I went to FL for a week this summer and took portrait pictures of my sib's and friends??

Do we see a pattern yet;)??

My plan for the next week is to post (realistically) every other day. I have a hand full of sessions to posts so please come on back and let me know what you think!

So, next up is Lauren!
Lauren is my oldest sister and one of the most bubbly people ever.

No, seriously.

She is one of those people who can light up a room with her warm smile,that contagious laughter and a heart wanting to serve others around her. . .

This last photo is pretty much my favorite ever. While I was shooting lauren's photos my sister amy and my good friend Liesel(both of whom you will get to see later) jumped into the picture. All the while, Lauren had no idea. It was prety much hilarious.

More to come. . . . Adios!


Anna L. said...

i love love love the first one of her; i really like the way the lines work, and where you chose to cut it off; it's just beautiful, and really captures her smile.

haha, so i was posting all these comments, and realized that I wasn't actually hitting post...but instead was previewing the comment...lol. i couldn't figure out where they were disappearing to!

Colleen Etherton said...

love the fourth one especially, thought all of them are amazing